The SOUL intention of The Seed is to share the gift of nourishing the body by learning to develop self love as well as through the creation of healthy well balanced food which is delicious and not overly complicated.

Within the deepest part of ourselves, we know that self care is what we truly desire to live a fulfilling life.



I grew up in Mexico City and fell in love with cooking through the hands of my nanny Flori, she had a way to transmit love and nourishment through food that changed me forever.

I have been a professional chef for 20 years in hotels, restaurants, and catering. My passion is to create and give life to projects and goals through love.

My journey to self-love started 20 years ago after going through panic attacks and my dad’s passing. I just knew there was so much more to healing than the evident so I started soulsearching, forgiving, and letting go. I got to such a beautiful peaceful place; and my calling was to share with as many people as possible and keep learning as I went.

I truly believe the solution to everything starts with self-love, which is why I have been experimenting with my own self to always work towards well-being. My passion is to help myself and others and I have also completed the Certification for Intermittent fasting for women with Dr Mindy Pelz to be one of the coaches that can help in your lifestyle

Take my hand and let's discover how self-love and cooking with it can change your life!

-Chef Van Lee

“A seed neither fears light nor darkness, uses both to grow.”

- Matshona Dhliwayo